Thursday, July 10, 2008


I hate to be the kind of person who complains about aches and pains. But.... I've had this stupid headache for over a month! It just started one night, and hasn't gone away since. I've tried EVERYTHING! From large quantities of Advil, extra water, and prayer, to sinus meds, steam, and more prayer.

I despise Doctors, so I've been avoiding going, but today I gave in and made an appointment for Friday. I have no idea what is wrong with me, but I suspect it is something benign, like wisdom teeth, or eye strain. However, with the wonderful world of the Internet, I've discovered it could be caused by any and every disease known to man! You know like brain tumors or water on the brain... I bet Doctors HATE Google.

So, here's hoping for some quick relief, easy answers, and reasonable co-pays. ~K


Halfmoon Girl said...

Could it be an allergy? You probably need a nice holiday somewhere peaceful and warm with your hubby. See if you can get a doctor's note saying that...

javamamma said...

Maybe you need a trip to the chiropractor? They seem to be able to fix those kinds of things. Just a thought....

Chelle said...

A month!! I really don't like doctors either, or the whole medical system here (but that's another rant)...but I don't know if I could have lasted a whole month.

I really hope you find some answers!

Stacey said...

You're back!! You're blogging? I done thought you went and quit! Hoorayyyyy this made my morning.

Hope your doctor gave you a reason and a cure, update when you can. And yes, I definitely think a pretty boy is in you think we could stud up McCain just a bit? He's what we have so we've got to start talking that sexy bad boy up a little..whadya think?

I'm running late for a date but I'll get you added back to my roll...with a smile! xo

WendyDarling said...

Hi, I found you over at Gayle's. :-)

I used to have bad headaches that lasted over a month as well. Part of it was stress, but what really helped was the chiropractor. He did not prescribe drugs, but aligned my spine. It was almost instant relief. Also, drinking chamomile tea helped a bit. Just a suggestion.